Sustainability Report 2022 - A message from our Head of Sustainability

HumanForest publishes its first Sustainability Report!

Deep within HumanForest’s humble roots is a sense of being more than a transportation solution. Whilst we work hard to deliver a best-in-class mobility service, we know that companies need to do more and be more if we want to address the threefold global issues facing us; the climate crisis, the cost of living crisis and an acute public health crisis. With regard to the climate crisis, we are the first Carbon Negative micro-mobility company in the world. And our users recognise our part in this, with 68% of our riders citing our eco-friendliness as a reason they choose to use us. Despite our leading position, we never rest on our laurels and are constantly looking for ways to improve and accelerate our eco-credentials, with many of our short term targets for deepening our environmental policies outlined on page 25 of the report.

However, for us, sustainability neither starts nor ends directly with the environment. In the UK, food prices have risen 13.1% in the 12 months leading up to August 2022 and energy bills are expected to be 83% higher in 2022-23 (compared to pre-crisis levels). We are painfully aware of the squeeze on disposable incomes and, as such, HumanForest is also striving to be the most affordable mobility solution. By harnessing private sector alliances, we offer users free minutes riding everyday because we passionately believe that sustainable transport should be accessible to all, regardless of financial background.

Alongside these two core tenets of sustainability - environmental and financial - we consider there to be a third which focuses on HumanForest’s relationship with our local communities.

With this in mind, we have recently become one of only two micro-mobility providers in the world to gain B Corp status (and the only one based in London), which has required demonstrating our ongoing commitment to our employees, as well as the wider communities we serve. We strongly believe that cities which embrace clean and active transport are healthier and happier. The Mayor of London is aiming for 80% of trips in London to be made by active, efficient and sustainable modes by 2041 (vs 35% in 2019). This goal is reflective of the need for our urban environments to improve their air quality whilst also promoting active travel as a means of supporting our population’s wellbeing.

For HumanForest, ‘sustainability’ is not a discrete concept but rather it is a living, breathing and constantly evolving issue. It covers our relationships with the Planet, the fabulous People working at HumanForest and the Communities which exist outside our direct remit. This report seeks to outline our interaction with those three groups to highlight the awesome work our teams have already done but also, most importantly, to focus our own attention on where we can continue to grow and improve.

There is always more to be done when it comes to sustainability but we hope this report will provide reassurance that the path HumanForest is forging is one of a responsible, respectful and mindful business.

Laura Elms, Head of Sustainability

Check out our Sustainability Report here!

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